Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cooking and stuff

So, how many of you out there in cyberland enjoy the simple yet often rewarding pleasures of cooking? I know I do. I have traveled the cooking stores far and wide in my area and let me tell you, there are some pretty darn expensive pots and pans out there. That doesn't include the amenities that go with. I like to compare quality and price at several, usually three, different stores before making a purchase. I found myself searching the internet for some quick price comparison's and low and behold, what did I find? A virtual gold mine in shopping, A culinary dream stop, not only that but what appears to be my new one stop shop. It is called, and for those of you who need anything I suggest checking it out. The quality of the merchandise is A-1. Take it from me, I know stuff like this. I have placed a link on the side bar. Check it out, I did. I'm Dave Brokaw and that's current News.