Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kwame Mayor Of Detroit

Wahaooow! Who saw that? Did we just witness some major B.S. or what? I couldn't believe how well scripted that speech was. Did you notice how the camera person moved out to pan Kawamies wife? Notice how her hands were not visible at first but then were? Notice the wedding ring? See how after the Initial apology how they were holding all four hands together. The camera work was some of the most creative ever. No wonder it was a closed room. I doubt it was live. Not a bobble in their speech, no clearing of the throat, ( usually used in emotional type situations to emphasize their feelings of guilt) Also, they had very dry eyes. What woman has eyes that dry after her husband has been publicly busted boinking his staffer? Even the Ice Woman, Hillary, had a case of the red eye when Bill got busted, and he was supposedly only getting head from his nob polisher. What we have witnessed here is a classic case of, " misdirection" his vain attempt to concentrate the public's perception of this situation, to concentrate on his affair and not on the Perjury, financial cost to the tax payers, the honorable men who lost their jobs in the cover up. Or, how in the future, tax payers are going to pay for his defense. Why do tax payers pay for the defense when he chose to lie? Shouldn't he pay for it, I mean the defense money cause we all know he isn't going to jail. Not Kawami, top dog of the city. You or I, Joe worker man, taxpayer extrodenaire, low man on the totem pole. We would go to jail. We would pay for our own defense and most of all it would be the right thing. Kawami, You piece of crap! Your Busted! You cant pretend your not. Cut your losses. Resign. NOW! Im Dave Brokaw and this is how I really fahaheal about it. Ghoodnighhht.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bob On The Bay

Check out this video of my co-worker, "Bob" this is his hobby. He builds very fast Snomobiles, this one in the video goes from zero to 130mph in the 1/4 mile. Watch and see.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Barak Obama

Whats up with this Obama guy? I hear he stated his weakness as being." I care too much for America". Can you do that? I mean, care too much? We in America seem to care a whole lot about a whole lot of stuff. We have the time. I didn't have to get up this morning and run down to the local river to fetch a pail of water so I could boil a rock for breakfast. We as Americans are fortunate in this regard. Most of the rest of the world is not. We know there are nice places to go to like, France, The U.K. and yes, Spain! I hear its real nice there but lets look at some of the other not so nice places like, 98% of the countries in Africa, Most of Middle America, And the Middle East. Those people dont seem to, "care too much" about much other than themselves. I mean, when would they? Right after fighting the local stray dog for a rotten shoe to boil? Their life's suck, and why we ask? Probably because their ancestors didn't stand up and do something about it. They have no shinning example to refer to when things go wrong, no holidays to look forward to, no windows in their shacks. So, why is it that we, the "Rich Americans" have so much when others have so little? It goes back to our ancestry. they kicked some English ass some 200 years ago and we are still riding the rush. Some people stood up and said, "Hell No! I'm not going to take this crap anymore" and they didn't, and we have been kicking ass ever since. So can we care too much? I say No, and how can Obama say he ,"cares too much" If he cares too much is he suggesting that he should care less for us and more for other countries? And that brings me to the, " Point of the day" Do we want someone in our Presidential office that intends to care for others more than us? Tell me what you think. I'm Dave Brokaw and thahaaats how I see it.