Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More of Kawame

Did Kawame, our sovereign Mayor say the, "N" word? I do believe he did!. I am pretty darn sure he, The Mayor, was at the, " burial for the N word" There they were a, million men marching, well maybe 400,000 marching thru the streets of Detroit. They had their box, with the notorious "N" word inside. Now, I'm no politician but, If you are in a world of hurt from the party you say you didn't have, the stripper you say you didn't have the cops kill, the 9.5million you spent to pay the cops for firing them because they investigated these crimes, the aid who you were banging the bejesus out of, resigns. And you have a golden shovel to dig yourself out of this pile of shit you got yourself into, Do you start saying "Nigger"? On national T.V. ? In front of the whole nation, In front of the Black Mayors of America, who by the way totally dissed Detroit and had their Black convention in St. Louis? I dont think so!!! But this dumb ass did. What an Idiot! and on top of it, As an over privileged white 42 year old male who has all of Gods gifts handed to him on a silver platter just for being born white and in the good old US of A. I am pissed! I have to listen to how good I have it every day of my life as I go to work and toil away at my meaningless existence and apologize every day for the advantages that the world perceives I have because I'm white. And I dont dare say Nigger anywhere especially on the television, in public where people could hear me, or do I? If the Mayor of Detroit can, so can I. Yes I can. I feel liberated, released from my chains. Free of the discrimination. I no longer have Blackie holdin me down. I am free to say what I please I want to go to my roof top and yell, " This Honky is mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore"! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm not gonna take it anymore from you , you Nigger. That felt good. If the Mayor of Detroit can say it, So can I. So Thaaats how this Nigger really feels about it. Ghood night, sleep tight and dont let the rats in the hood bite, smoke some crack, shoot a little heroin and remember, blame whitey, he say nigger.

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