Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Just washed the car. Not the green LeMans in the pics, I sold that, but my mercury marauder. Its a 2003, I got it in 2002. It is in pretty fair shape. I have always kept it in the garage at night. I have driven it in the winter but I am vigalent about washing and waxing on a regular basis so it looks good. So I just gave it a quick wash, no wax. I have been working 40 hrs lately so I have time for many things I have never before had time to do like, wash the car, clean the house, cook dinner, clean up after dinner, drink beer, Oh, Wait, I do all those things and more when Im working 60 hrs. Must be why I feal so much better these days. i hope to get back to working overtime but it doesnt look good. I work in the automotive field, and as we all know, in Michigan that market sucks. If things improve, life will be better. We are all hopeful but hopes can be fleeting at times and these times feel quite fleeting. oh well, I hope its all good for all the rest of you. Good luck in the days to come, and hey, get out and enjoy the weather, it is nice out their.

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