Wednesday, November 7, 2007

michigan law makers on "recess"?

Our law makers need a recess? Are you kidding me! What is it that they so diligently worked at that they need "recess"? What are they talking about? They need 18 days to rest up. What? 18 days, Do any of us get that much time to rest? Hell No!. I'm lucky if I get one day to rest. That would be if I wasn't working a second job to help pay the loan I need to take so I can pay my taxes, which were raised to offset the debt that our leaders have generated by mis-use of the dollars they took to pay for things that we supposedly need and cant do without so here we are. And they need Recess? They need time to recoup because they have been , Nose to the grindstone , busting butt to make it happen, Right? They have our best interest in mind, Correct? We all feel that after all the hard work that they've done this year that a little break is in order, 18 days to do a little deer hunting or take a trip down south , go enjoy some nice weather, drive on roads that arnt full of pot holes and in desperate need of repair. Sit in the sun drinking Margareta's and getting tan. Meanwhile we , the working poor are here , at home, working two jobs trying to make ends meet, spouses working two jobs, people passing in the night, everyone busting ass so we can go in the hole just a little less and they, Our lawmakers, our elected officials, those who are suppose to be working for us need ,"Recess" more time off. They don't do anything worth while anyhow so why not? take a little more time, stick it to us real good. Hell we deserve it . We keep electing these idiots. But, we are the real idiots because we continue to tolerate this crap. We turn a blind eye and let it all go. Why, because we are too tired to care, feel lost? feel as if there is no upside to anything? just don't care anymore? Well, I care and Ive got a solution. Vote them all out!. Start over! get some new blood! So this year go vote. Vote for somebody new. Anybody new! Please! Go vote, Do it! I'm Dave Brokaw and That's how I really feel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Speaking of money. Maybe you don't have enough because its worthless!