Monday, December 10, 2007


What has happend to the common sense of America? I put a bb-gun, yes a toy, on e-bay. it is an old toy a 5oo shot repeater. Like the one in the Christmas story. It is like the whole country has taken a common sense dump when it comes to any type of gun. This bb gun is a plinker wont even break your shin. and the funny thing is that I bought it on e-bay! For gods sake man! I don't get it , what do they think is going to happen if somebody buys this for their kid? is he going to rob a bank? I doubt it, thou it is a 500 shot repeater, might qualify as an "assault weapon". Now there's something with a bad stigma isn't it? I want to know , where are all these weirdos getting their AK47s ? I have never even seen one and Ive been around guns my whole life. And I have never shot anybody, not that some people didn't deserve a cap in the knee, but that would be the actions of a mentally imbalanced person which as far as I, the people around me and the state of Michigan are concerned I am not.I like to think that I conduct myself with pride and dignity and I don't go running around with any of my firearms shooting at anybody. And I'm darn sure not going to go crazy with a Daisey BB-gun! I also don't feel that anybody that would have purchased the said, offensive firearm would have either. What is this all coming to when you cant sell an antique daisy model 102 cub BB gun with the original box for $80.00 u.s. funds with free shipping in time for the holidays coming to? I'm Dave Brokaw and thaats how I really feel about it. Ghood nighht.

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