Monday, December 17, 2007

Keeping It Clean

I have this thing about clean. Most people would consider it an infatuation but I think its normal. You see, I dont really care to expose myself to unnecessary "germings". What is a germing you ask? It is when a person exposes you/me to say, " a cough in the face" or " a sneeze in my food". Both these things have happend to me, The cough in the face just this past weekend at the grocery store. A man was walking down the isle tward me when he unexpectedly coughed blowing his death venom into my face. This produced an immediate response from me of, " thankyou for that". and "I really apreciate it" this went basicly un-noticed by the said, "Germer offender". I think people who in this day and age of Sars, Aids, the Flu and all the rest of the bad things about us, who are rude enough to cough into your face should get a ticket! Yes a ticket, that comes with a fine and If you are a repete offender, Jail!. Now I know this sounds extreme but, Do you like it? How about the lost time from work resulting in lost revenue that you experience from such unprovoked Germings? How many lost days of work could be recovered, saving the US economy from ruin if people just exercised common sense and didn't Germ all over us. And that's not all, What about those who do cover their mouths when they sneeze and or cough, then grab the door handle, hold the escalator rail, shake your hand, etc? I have an answer! Don't touch anything, and if you do, have an Anti-Bacterial wipe readily available to wash immediately. Enough of that, remember at the beginning of this I mentioned sneezing? I worked with a guy one time who sneezed all over my breakfast. We ordered from the local restaurant, mine was eggs over easy with bacon and hashed browns. I sat opened my container and , Bam! this douchebag sneezes right on it, UGH. I almost puked. It however was his lucky day because he was able to switch breakfasts with me. If I had cooked my own, like I usually do, There would have been no mercy. So there you have it. And yes I do know how unsanitary food preps are in the restaurants but, You have to get some germs somewhere or you would never build any antibodies would you? For me , its better not to know. I'm Dave Brokaw and thahaats how I really feel. Ghood Night. ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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