Sunday, December 30, 2007

Whats That Tone

What is that "tone" you sometimes hear in your ear? I think most all of us have heard it. For anybody who has not, its this kind of long hum/ring sound that last fore quite a while, maybe 30 seconds maybe longer then as mysteriously as it was heard it will be gone again. Once when I was a teen my brother and I were working in the garage ( for those of you from outside the u.s.a. A "garage" is where we keep our cars, tools, motorcycles, lawn mowers, etc...) and my brother "Jim" asked me if I just heard a tone, which I did. Then it stopped and I said, " did it just stop for you too? and his answer was yes. Now how do you explain that? I haven't thought about that instance until just now when my wife stated that she heard a tone and I responded by saying I did not. She said, " why would you"? so I repeated the garage story to her. She thinks that we were hearing a generated tone, hence, man made. I don't think so. I think these tones are something of a higher source, quite possibly... Alien. There I said it. What if the aliens, yes from outer space, not Mexico, are checking on us with some sort of tone recognition. Now remember I'm 42yrs old. We did not have cell phones, cable T.V. none of the modern day electronics, heck, Atari was the most sophisticated video game of the day. So why did we both hear the "tone" at the same time for the same duration? Its the Aliens I tell you. They are around us all the time, watching, waiting, for what I don't know but I'm willing to bet its not good. Then again, maybe, those tones are just space noise that your ear catches by chance. Who knows. One thing is for sure, I have always heard these tones, not every day, but at least every year. Maybe I will start keeping track of when I hear them. Maybe there's a pattern. Does anybody know about this, has anyone studied it? Let me know if you know. I'm Dave Brokaw and thahaats what I'm thinking.

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