Friday, December 14, 2007

Why is it Bad?

Why is it that all the things you love most are the worst for you? I wish it weren't that way but it seems to be. I was just telling my fellow worker dudes this very thing and thought I would share some thoughts with you the people. What if beer cured acne? ( Don asked this) what if coke prolonged life? what if saturated fats were the key to good heart health? Why doesn't smoking stop lung cancer? What if cutting off a finger or two grew new and younger digits. Why do farts stink? Oops a different subject. Anyhow, why are all the fun stuff the bad things? I just wish that for once man could invent a drug ( for better choice of words) that was fun and healthy. Imagine the marketing potential of such a thing. Gangstas on the streets selling health and beauty aids that get you high and make life better. The cops busting down the door only to say, " Oh its just a wonder drug house , sorry we'll fix that door asap and put a sign in the lawn saying, come on in for good life" It just doesn't happen that way so until it does , Stay off the junk it will make an idiot out of you and remember that's why they call it "dope". I'm Dave Brokaw and thhhats how I really feel. Ghood Nighht.

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