Saturday, December 22, 2007

stem cells bio medical

Whats up with the religious fruit cakes? Why do they feel that stem cell therapy is, " VooDoo Science"? Have you ever heard the one about the boat, the helicopter and the tree branch? Here it is. There was a huge flood, No not Noahs Ark. There was a huge flood and these people got stranded on their roof top. They began to pray to their God of choice, "Please Lord save us". They sat on the roof and soon a couple of men in a boat showed up and tried to rescue them, but they responded by saying " Our Lord will provide " so the men in the boat left. Next a helicopter showed up and lowered a rope, but again they said " the Lord will save us" and the helicopter flew on. As time passed the water continued to rise. The people continued to pray and as the water started to over take the roof a large tree branch drifted slowly past and at last the water swept the couple away and they drowned. The next thing the new there they were, looking the Lord in the face. They asked, "Lord why did you not save us" And the Lord responded by saying, " You Idiots I tried! I sent a boat, I even sent a helicopter, But you were to stupid to get on them so I figured a couple of dumb asses like yourselves would surely grab a hold of the tree branch I sent, But no! You needed a personal appearance. You deserved to drown." The moral of the story, The Lord has provided Stem cells, And if were to stupid to use them we deserve to die. So all you religious fruities, shut up, we have heard enough from you on this. Maybe you should concentrate more on say, Paying for all the attorney fees you pedophile Priest are accumulating, or maybe apologize for the Spanish Inquisition, or all the people who have been murdered in the name of the Lord. But one thing you need to do is, Recognize when the , " LORD" wants us to use something that has been put here for us. Wake up dumb dumbs! I'm Dave Brokaw and Thahaatsa how I feel.

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