Thursday, October 18, 2007


Why do we have to see these silly sudo names? How about , "TomCat"? we all know its Tom Cruz And Kati Homes. But why do we have to have the blending of the names? I propose we dont use these combos because in everyday life it would probably earn an ass kicking from any real men within ear shot. And by the way why do these super rich celebs like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt feel the need to leave the country to adopt? There are so many poor and improvished children right here in the U.S. Also I see that Brad And Angie have purchased 2 million dollars worth of art! Could have fed a small village in Rowanda with that kind of scratch. At the very least, would have helped a homless shelter to feed and house children who are not fortunate enough to get a benifactor like those two. So the next time you see these bleeding hearts on T.V. saving another child in Africa remember, They dont look out their own front window or in their own home towns, they take your money to a forign country and save them! Kind of feals like a big slap in the face of America to me, Good night im dave brokaw and thahaaats the way i see it

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