Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Michigan Tax Increases

Well who's shocked? not me. Amazing how they worked so hard up until the last minute. Give me a break!. We all know how it works. First the economy takes a dump, then they say, lets raise taxes on those still working so they can pick up the slack. The "Slack" is spending of funds that don't exist. Did anyone receive an annual cost of living increase? Not me. I bet you don't even know anyone who did. Our politicians do. Have an expense account paid for by your fellow citizens? Nope!. Do you get Recess? like two or three months? No. Can you not show up for work and still get paid? Not! Do you have people on the payroll to do your job for you? remember this payroll comes from tax dollars. Do you over spend to take trips to , say Japan? Again with tax dollars. These inept people who misrepresent you do all these things. If you went to college to be a politician you are probably not qualified to do the job because you are not living in the real world. We who toil endlessly day after day to make our way in the world do-not make $170,000 annually. Also we don't get to vote for our pay raises, we earn them and mostly still don't get one because our employers cant afford to give it. Why, because of all the good things our representatives do for us like NAFTA, For those of you who don't know it stands for, " the north American free trade agreement". Translation, We send our jobs to them, they make money we dont. Thanks again. Does anybody else's ass hurt. Mine sure does. Lets start fixing the budget by trimming governmental waste. First I propose that politicians take a pay cut to minimum wage. Why you ask? because they feel that that is middle class working America. That's what they say. So if its good enough for us its good enough for them too. Second, No more expense paid trips anywhere. We have video conferencing thru the internet, no reason to travel anywhere. They cant afford too, they pissed away all our money so No Travel!. Third, fire all the extra help. They dont need more than one Secretary, and definitely dont need advisers, We are there advisers, we say what they do. They are supposed to do that while we are at work because we dont have time to do it ourselves, thats why we hired them!. Last, If you dont have a real job that you left to go perform this civil service to return to, you suck. These people got to go. Vote them out! All of them, they've been there too long its time for a real job and somebody Else's turn to do their civic duty. Somebody who wants to donate 4 years of there life to the people . then return to your real job. Don't be a looser who trys to protect your job at the peoples expense. If you don't have the stomach to do the right thing, resign and we'll get somebody who will. This is so elementary, and basic, that I have to say, What The Heck Are You Thinking! I'm ready to puke, I got to go, Good night I'm Dave Brokaw and thahaats how I really feel about it.

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