Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I just returned from the dentist and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Why you ask? The wait. How many times have you gone to your scheduled appointment, On Time! only to wait 15/30 minutes? I personally hate that. If , which I don't often, leave work, miss overtime and go, I expect to be seen on time. This is not too much to ask!. I bring my Ins. card, pay my co-pay they bill allot of money and get paid well for their services, so, why not see me on time? Today was one of the rewarding experiences. I was seen on my schedule(after work) I didn't have to wait, they set about performing their dentistry duties immediately. WOW. I will return for my next appointment and hopefully I will receive the same treatment. If I do not, I have a plan. I hope those of you who read this will also follow my example. So here It is, If I am not seen on time, and I'm talking inside of 10 minutes, I will leave, without saying a word, and when I get home I will type out an invoice for my time, at my overtime rate, and mail it out the next day. When they call to see why I left I will explain that as a customer, my time is valuable and not to be taken for granite as I too have a schedule that I must follow in order to effectively run my household and this said schedule, also includes money management which tends to go into cost over runs when I must deviate from it. So, My invoice is a legitimate one and if not paid I will see them in small claims court where we can talk about their business practices. I don't appreciate it when they over book and run at a delay. It cost me money and im not their personal cash cow. Imagine, if you will, you are running a business, providing a service, and you treat your customers with such dis regard. How long would you be in business before you went bust? So lets get together on this and say, "My time is important, If you waste it you pay for it" Im Dave Brokaw And Thaats How I really feel about it. Good night

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