Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Can you believe it? Another debate is in our future!. Lets look at it for what it really is. 1) A script writing contest for the political graduates from our local universities. 2) No more than a popularity contest 3) A social platform designated by voter preference. Lets look at # 3 . A platform of opinions. The political hopeful decides which topics he/she will back based on what the other parties involved have chosen. This means that regardless of how they really feel on any topic they will back the other side just to garner a vote. Shame full isnt it?. #2 Popularity, Not a most favorable arena to be in but if you have to be lets hope the people like you!. #1 I saved this for last because we have all seen the monitors that our elected officials look at when asked a question. Its the little green square screen on either side of the podium. This allows them to look from side to side like they are really looking around the room to see the expressions on the faces of those who are unfortunate enough to be in the room to witness this disgrace. Imagine , there you are watching them read answers written by last years college graduate! How embarrassing! I'm glad I don't have to see this in person. Then, we, like sheep decide who the best script writer was, then vote accordingly. What a disaster!. Glad I don't do dumb stuff like that in my every day life I'd have to kill myself out of sheer embarrassment,. and rightfully so. So who are we going to vote for? I know, how about the 20 something year old who wrote all the answers we liked?. He/She seemed to know what to say, So, why not just vote for them and forget the popularity contest? its a sham anyhow. That's How I Really Feel, I'M DAVE BROKAW AND , THAHHAAATS THE NEWS. GOOD NIGHT!

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