Sunday, December 30, 2007

Whats That Tone

What is that "tone" you sometimes hear in your ear? I think most all of us have heard it. For anybody who has not, its this kind of long hum/ring sound that last fore quite a while, maybe 30 seconds maybe longer then as mysteriously as it was heard it will be gone again. Once when I was a teen my brother and I were working in the garage ( for those of you from outside the u.s.a. A "garage" is where we keep our cars, tools, motorcycles, lawn mowers, etc...) and my brother "Jim" asked me if I just heard a tone, which I did. Then it stopped and I said, " did it just stop for you too? and his answer was yes. Now how do you explain that? I haven't thought about that instance until just now when my wife stated that she heard a tone and I responded by saying I did not. She said, " why would you"? so I repeated the garage story to her. She thinks that we were hearing a generated tone, hence, man made. I don't think so. I think these tones are something of a higher source, quite possibly... Alien. There I said it. What if the aliens, yes from outer space, not Mexico, are checking on us with some sort of tone recognition. Now remember I'm 42yrs old. We did not have cell phones, cable T.V. none of the modern day electronics, heck, Atari was the most sophisticated video game of the day. So why did we both hear the "tone" at the same time for the same duration? Its the Aliens I tell you. They are around us all the time, watching, waiting, for what I don't know but I'm willing to bet its not good. Then again, maybe, those tones are just space noise that your ear catches by chance. Who knows. One thing is for sure, I have always heard these tones, not every day, but at least every year. Maybe I will start keeping track of when I hear them. Maybe there's a pattern. Does anybody know about this, has anyone studied it? Let me know if you know. I'm Dave Brokaw and thahaats what I'm thinking.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Christmas Joke

?: How do we know that Santa is a Man. ANS: He shows up late, He eats all the cookies, call you a Ho, Dumps his sack and leaves while your sleeping.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ukrainian Style Roast Beef

I, as the dominant male of the household have once again been entrusted with cooking the holiday meal. Now as some of you know I am not your normal/traditional holiday host. I like to cook things that are more of your how do you say, off the beaten track. Now most people will spend allot of time preparing a Turkey only to throw it in the oven and produce a golden brown, throat chocking dry piece of white flesh. It usually requires ladles of gravy to even make it palatable non the less add flavor. Others, will prepare things like , Goose, Ham, Cornish Hens you get the idea. I however have been known to make multible slabs of ribs, rotisserie turkey which by the way, if prepared properly is the most flavorful, moist, tasty way to prepare a turkey. I have prepared Prime Rib, Fillet Minion, Smoked Salmon and this year, Ukrainian style Roast Beef. Whats the difference you ask? I have learned from a master, the secret of a tasty roast. I spend allot of time cooking the afor mentioned "Roast". Chuck or English cut is the cut of choice for this meal. I select the finest cuts of beef I can locate, looking for a nice marbling. It must have a decent amount of fat along the edge. Pre-seasoning is paramount. And most of all, Patience. You must take your time. This recipe can be found and read in its entirety at, "" A link can be found on this page and will take you there where you can explore many fine recipes for a vast variety of foods and tasty treats. Merry Christmas All, I'm Dave Brokaw and Thahaaats the News.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

stem cells bio medical

Whats up with the religious fruit cakes? Why do they feel that stem cell therapy is, " VooDoo Science"? Have you ever heard the one about the boat, the helicopter and the tree branch? Here it is. There was a huge flood, No not Noahs Ark. There was a huge flood and these people got stranded on their roof top. They began to pray to their God of choice, "Please Lord save us". They sat on the roof and soon a couple of men in a boat showed up and tried to rescue them, but they responded by saying " Our Lord will provide " so the men in the boat left. Next a helicopter showed up and lowered a rope, but again they said " the Lord will save us" and the helicopter flew on. As time passed the water continued to rise. The people continued to pray and as the water started to over take the roof a large tree branch drifted slowly past and at last the water swept the couple away and they drowned. The next thing the new there they were, looking the Lord in the face. They asked, "Lord why did you not save us" And the Lord responded by saying, " You Idiots I tried! I sent a boat, I even sent a helicopter, But you were to stupid to get on them so I figured a couple of dumb asses like yourselves would surely grab a hold of the tree branch I sent, But no! You needed a personal appearance. You deserved to drown." The moral of the story, The Lord has provided Stem cells, And if were to stupid to use them we deserve to die. So all you religious fruities, shut up, we have heard enough from you on this. Maybe you should concentrate more on say, Paying for all the attorney fees you pedophile Priest are accumulating, or maybe apologize for the Spanish Inquisition, or all the people who have been murdered in the name of the Lord. But one thing you need to do is, Recognize when the , " LORD" wants us to use something that has been put here for us. Wake up dumb dumbs! I'm Dave Brokaw and Thahaatsa how I feel.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Keeping It Clean

I have this thing about clean. Most people would consider it an infatuation but I think its normal. You see, I dont really care to expose myself to unnecessary "germings". What is a germing you ask? It is when a person exposes you/me to say, " a cough in the face" or " a sneeze in my food". Both these things have happend to me, The cough in the face just this past weekend at the grocery store. A man was walking down the isle tward me when he unexpectedly coughed blowing his death venom into my face. This produced an immediate response from me of, " thankyou for that". and "I really apreciate it" this went basicly un-noticed by the said, "Germer offender". I think people who in this day and age of Sars, Aids, the Flu and all the rest of the bad things about us, who are rude enough to cough into your face should get a ticket! Yes a ticket, that comes with a fine and If you are a repete offender, Jail!. Now I know this sounds extreme but, Do you like it? How about the lost time from work resulting in lost revenue that you experience from such unprovoked Germings? How many lost days of work could be recovered, saving the US economy from ruin if people just exercised common sense and didn't Germ all over us. And that's not all, What about those who do cover their mouths when they sneeze and or cough, then grab the door handle, hold the escalator rail, shake your hand, etc? I have an answer! Don't touch anything, and if you do, have an Anti-Bacterial wipe readily available to wash immediately. Enough of that, remember at the beginning of this I mentioned sneezing? I worked with a guy one time who sneezed all over my breakfast. We ordered from the local restaurant, mine was eggs over easy with bacon and hashed browns. I sat opened my container and , Bam! this douchebag sneezes right on it, UGH. I almost puked. It however was his lucky day because he was able to switch breakfasts with me. If I had cooked my own, like I usually do, There would have been no mercy. So there you have it. And yes I do know how unsanitary food preps are in the restaurants but, You have to get some germs somewhere or you would never build any antibodies would you? For me , its better not to know. I'm Dave Brokaw and thahaats how I really feel. Ghood Night. ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Why is it Bad?

Why is it that all the things you love most are the worst for you? I wish it weren't that way but it seems to be. I was just telling my fellow worker dudes this very thing and thought I would share some thoughts with you the people. What if beer cured acne? ( Don asked this) what if coke prolonged life? what if saturated fats were the key to good heart health? Why doesn't smoking stop lung cancer? What if cutting off a finger or two grew new and younger digits. Why do farts stink? Oops a different subject. Anyhow, why are all the fun stuff the bad things? I just wish that for once man could invent a drug ( for better choice of words) that was fun and healthy. Imagine the marketing potential of such a thing. Gangstas on the streets selling health and beauty aids that get you high and make life better. The cops busting down the door only to say, " Oh its just a wonder drug house , sorry we'll fix that door asap and put a sign in the lawn saying, come on in for good life" It just doesn't happen that way so until it does , Stay off the junk it will make an idiot out of you and remember that's why they call it "dope". I'm Dave Brokaw and thhhats how I really feel. Ghood Nighht.

Monday, December 10, 2007


What has happend to the common sense of America? I put a bb-gun, yes a toy, on e-bay. it is an old toy a 5oo shot repeater. Like the one in the Christmas story. It is like the whole country has taken a common sense dump when it comes to any type of gun. This bb gun is a plinker wont even break your shin. and the funny thing is that I bought it on e-bay! For gods sake man! I don't get it , what do they think is going to happen if somebody buys this for their kid? is he going to rob a bank? I doubt it, thou it is a 500 shot repeater, might qualify as an "assault weapon". Now there's something with a bad stigma isn't it? I want to know , where are all these weirdos getting their AK47s ? I have never even seen one and Ive been around guns my whole life. And I have never shot anybody, not that some people didn't deserve a cap in the knee, but that would be the actions of a mentally imbalanced person which as far as I, the people around me and the state of Michigan are concerned I am not.I like to think that I conduct myself with pride and dignity and I don't go running around with any of my firearms shooting at anybody. And I'm darn sure not going to go crazy with a Daisey BB-gun! I also don't feel that anybody that would have purchased the said, offensive firearm would have either. What is this all coming to when you cant sell an antique daisy model 102 cub BB gun with the original box for $80.00 u.s. funds with free shipping in time for the holidays coming to? I'm Dave Brokaw and thaats how I really feel about it. Ghood nighht.