Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bite me

So you liked the story about the wasps huh? Thought it was a bit funny? How many of you out there are the middle child? Sucks dont it. We the under achievers of society, the forgotten few, the looked over ,passed by, beat-up,pushed around 2nd born. Thats right, they should have a club just for us. Our logo could be the , " sign of the looser" Yes Im talking about the letter "L" We could have them tattoed on our forheads so we wouldnt have to stop toiling away at our sub-par jobs, we look , we wink, we know the secret hand shake. Second born, lucky to have survived. Now that thats out of my system let me tell you another story from my youth. It goes like so, When I was three my parents decided that they needed another rum and coke night, kinda like the one that brought me into the world. So they dropped me and my brother Jim ( you all remember him dont you) they dropped us off at my grandmothers, who we called Granny, My Mom has a mean streak and told us to call her that cause it reminded her of the beverly hillbillys and irked her good. So anyhow there we are at grannys and its bed time. Probably early too. So granny puts us to bed and jimbo decides hes gonna bite himself on his arm and blame me, Just board I guess, so he does, then proceeds to cry like a little bitch. Granny storms the room , Jimmmy tells his lie, one of many to come as the years go by, granny takes me into the kitchen and whips my ass with a wooden spoon. Nice huh? Later in life , when im about 11 or so, we are at grannys and she pulls theses stuffed peppers out of the freezer. There wrapped in aluminium foil and freezer burnt. So she wips them in the oven and plops em down in front of us. Now most peoples grandmothers could cook, Not Mine! those things tatsted like PUKE! I couldnt swallow not a bite, kinda like how Butter Milk stops dead. So there i am not eating this swill and my dad is just raving about how good it is, must have been the baccardi, so he makes me sit there till i eat it, which i didnt i sat there all night. After that every time we showed up, Granny would whip out the stuffed peppers, Im sure she was pulling them from the origonal batch -o-crap she had origonaly made some years ago. Sounds like im exagerating? NOT! So as the years have gone by I have honed my skills at cooking and have learned to cook quite well if i do say so myself. Some of my recipies can be viewed at,, yes thats a cooking site chocked full of recipies. take a look. good night, Im Dave Brokaw and thahaats tha News

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