Monday, September 17, 2007

Funny names

Ever notice how some people have those names that just work with anything? I work with just such an individual. His name sounds somthing like, " Im going to spell this phonetically" Buggar-Really. I started a list once just to see how many diffrent concocktions i could come up with. I can tell you after the page," yellow legal" was filled on both sides I decided to stop. The afor mentioned, not yet, but to be famous, Don Cross of the," Wood Working with Don Cross" Can attest to the fact that I did fill both sides with funny acronyms such as but not limited to, shit dick arreally, fuck stick arreally, short on ambitionareally,bald fuckareally, dumbfuckarreally, you can see where im going with this. So, It should come as no supprise that when he announced his pending camping/ hiking trip, I came up with, ( now all you Homos calm down, I dont care what you do so long as nobodys getting hurt. O.K.?) so anyhow as I was saying I came up with , " BrokeBackArreally" Now most people would find this ammusing to say the least however it sure seemed to touch on a sour note with the little fag fuckarreally. So against all things I personally hold sacride, like a good Jokearreally, Im a really going to stop the make funarreallying and call it a day, good night, Im Dave Brokaw and thahaaats thah news.

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