Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wasps hate them


Heres my story, This is a true story, I will have a new one every week. If you find them entertaining and want to make a cash donation to my cause, Via Paypal, Thanks. If not thats ok too. First I want to say that my life has been full of minor mishaps, nothing that hurt to much or maimed me in any way. Mostly there kinda funny in a sad sort of way. So here we go, story number 2. I was just 4 yrs old and my brother (Jim) said," Hey Dave, you want to play with me and Scott". Scott was our neighbor. Being just 4 and finally invited to play was better than anything I could hope for. My older brother wanted me to play!. What a day . I was going to be able to go where he did without my Mom. My brother was 7 and had free run of the neighborhood and surrounding fields. We lived in south eastern Michigan and it was late August mabey even early September. So my Mother said I could go and off we went. They in the lead, me in tow. I was trying to hear what they were talking about but couldnt understand what it was, see I had never heard of a "nest" but it sounded neet to me. Kind of rolls off the tongue dont it?. Any how we were way out in the field and thats when Jim said, Hey Dave, think that T.V. over there works? I was one of the more fortunant kids when I was young. My parents were always buying nice things like new cars that somehow got repainted in the driveway, (a story I promise to tell later) and a color television which I spent most of my afternoons watching while my brother was out living the good life. So as you can expect I knew how to see if it worked, All I had to do was turn it on. Sounded good to me , so off I went, making sure to avoid the mudd which there was quite a bit but I got there eventually and as I reached the T.V. and reached for the knob , I heard the hum, but it didnt sound quite right and as i was reaching for it i heard the first rock hit. You see my brother and his buddy had been there before and knew I was too dumb to know about hornets. So any how 2 or 3 rocks probably hit there mark, and the hornets came after me . The first one landed above my left eye and set to stinging the hell out of me. I had no Idea what was going on I just heard Jim yelling , RUN so I was wipping at the wasp and running, staight into the mudd. my shoe came off, I fell, my hands were covered with mudd, i was swatting and trying to run, wiping mudd in my eyes, tears streaming down my face one shoe gone and gettting the shit stung out of me. The sight of it all must have sunk in on Jim and Scott because they were running too, only not home but down the street. I made a bee line ( no punn intended) for home. My Mother freaked out, was wiping the mudd off of my face when she started to realize that i had been stung. Not once or twice but 12 or more Nobody exactly remembers the official count however my cloths were ripped from me on the spot to get the hornets under my shirt and in my pants.By now the girls from next door were there with their mother, ( they used to remind me all the time that they saw me naked) and it was hospital time, again. Not fun. My brother, He got lucky. I was so naive, I didnt really realize what had happend and he wasnt saying much. Told some lame story about the field and the T.V. and how they told me to run when they saw the hornets and actually came out sounding like he helped. Probably got an, " atta-boy" from my Dad. Meanwhile, I was sick from the poison, in a lot of pain, and sitting , alone, infront of my television. No hornets. Funny thing though, Ive been attacked by wasp and bees and hornets all of my life and ive only been stung once seince then, and it was on the hand. So I think I must have paid my dues long ago. See you next week, Dave

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