Sunday, September 23, 2007


To be square or not to be square. The age 0ld question. Some find that its hip to be square Huey Lewis sure did. Al Einstein felt "E" equaled an MC square. ( Al as us geniuses called him). But, what exactly is "Square"? I think it sort of is like Beauty being in the eye of the beholder. Today during construction of the afore mentioned night stands that Don and I are currently constructing just such a question was posed. We ran into a minor issue during our assembly. Our nightstand was out about 1/8in across the span. Hmmm, what could cause this we asked. A trim here, a sanding here, could this be the reason we asked? Surley two well educated, top notch metal working machinist such as ourselves didnot make any mathamatical errors, did we? No we didnot, the answer was simple. Don's well seasond eye caught the simplest, yet easiest of errors. A squareness issue. I am proud to have observed the judgement and keen eye for construction as I would have trimed the inner shelf and would now be waiting for a new ones glue to dry. I suggest to all you weekend warriors of the wood shop that before you remeasure and cut twice, measure twice and cut once. And if you measure for squareness dont immedietly jump to the conclusion as I did to recut. Often times if you follow the measure twice cut once rule you will find as we did that its not your math but your eye. And if your eye is sharp it will save you alot of misery. Good night, Im Dave Brokaw and Thahaats the News.


TaraBug said...

Looking forward to your next story!

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