Thursday, September 6, 2007

Headline news

I live in Michigan. This state has horrible umemployment. Whats up with all the low paying jobs? How are the people supposed to get by? Life in general is getting harder by the minuit. Whos tha ass that decided we need to spend billions of dollars over seas when we have Americans who cant pay their bills? Children in my own town who go to bed at night hungry, arnt going to get a christmas present, only have one parent at home. Its a sad state of affairs when forign affairs are more important to our elected representatives than our own people. Lets fire them all by getting out and voting. I personally use this formula, if there in vote them out. get some one new. The polticians who went to college and took political science went to school to get a job where they can vote for their own pay raises, must be fuckin nice huh? i wish i could do that, instead what they do is exploit our tax dollars to fuck us out of work, they do this why? must be the pay offs because it dammed sure aint in our best intrest. and thahaats tha news

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