Sunday, October 21, 2007

mall at partridge creek

Well, theve done it again! Theres a new mall at Partridge Creek. For those of you who dont know, I live in Macomb County Michigan. We the residents have allowed yet another mall to be erected in our community. Normally this would be a good thing bringing jobs, tax revenew, new stores with new stuff to buy and all the wholsome goodness these places have to offer. So you are asking yourselves, Whats the down side? Why does Dave dislike the place? First of all, Im an adult male and dont really care to shop, so I dont get real excited about places like that. Second, and more importantly, our community didnot plan for this attraction. They didnot widen the roads, put in the appropriate traffic lights and "Time them properly". Traffic in this area is terrible as it is. I was almost broad sided today I had to swerve into the lane next to me to avoid the impending collision. Meanwhile 4 of our local police were standing in the intersections directing traffic, watching this showing of fine motor vehicle handling that I displayed for all to see. These police were working on a Sunday, double time wages, paid for with my tax dollars so the merchants, shop keeps and parking lot vendors could make money. Why do I have to pay for that? A better question, and on a totaly diffrent subject is, Why do the tax payers in the already cash strapped city of Detroit have to foot the bill for Mayor Kiwammi kilpatricks mistakes to the tune of 8 million dollars. He err's and we pay? why? must be nice to do wrong and have others pay for it. The next time I get a traffic ticket I will just turn it in to the tax payers to cover the cost.What ever, back to the mall. If the county road commission were to actually do something right in this town I;d probably drop dead! they couldnt plan a bike path non the less an efficint road plan. Im starting to doubt that these people ever drive anywhere, probably have a chuffere. Should be fun this winter on the ice, Good Night Im Dave Brokaw and thahaaats how I see it.

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