Thursday, September 13, 2007


Whats up with men who dont use a urinal? I work with an individual whose name I will change to, "B.T." This B.T will use a toilet every time. Why? I have a theory. If when young, say high school, and you are of less than average hight, the bigger kids will shove you into a urinal. They have also been known to give the occasional dreaded " swirly" I never gave or got one but it must be humiliating to say the least. However having said that, nobody at work would do such a thing. So wouldnt it seem plausable that adulthood would be a good time to step up and give it a try, feel like a man at last, let it hang out, piss standing up. I often, when using the mens room, wonder if I mistakenly enterd the ladies room, when I hear the piss streem hit the bowl. Also somthing else that gets my goat is the fact that there will be "Piddle" on the seat and floor. Whos supposed to clean that? If I wanted to be a janitor Id have gotten a job as one. I hear it pays well and the rewards are many. So men, lets stand tall and remember, Shake it easy. And thahaats the news. Im Dave Brokaw, Goodnight

1 comment:

TaraBug said...

That has got to be the most un-manly things a guy can do. Is this B.T. married? If so, I guess we can tell who wears the pants in that one!