Monday, September 10, 2007

wood working

Not many people ever delve into the depths of wood working. I used to be afraid myself. I however have made my living as a machinist, and that has helped me make a fair move into this fine art. I also happen to be lucky enough to work with Don Cross. For those of you who arnot yet familier with his site, ( Wood Working With Don Cross) let me enlighten. Don is not only an excelent machinist in his own right he also is a fine craftsman in the art of wood working. This is a subject which I intend to not only discuss frequently but will also be posting pics of projects completed aswell as current projects in the works. Please visit Don @ his site, " wood working with don cross" as he hosts an open question and answer forum were we will be happy to explain what it is we are doing and hopfully we can all begin to make quality furniture for ourselves. Lets face it, its less expensive, better quality, and just plain fun to do. As soon as possible I will have a tab here and you will be able to jump over. In the mean time, take a look and say hi. See you all later, Dave And thahaats the news with dave brokaw.

1 comment:

Marjorie Cross said...

Man oh man, This Don Cross sounds
like one hell of a guy.